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Covid-19 Boosters are now available

Register for your Covid-19 Vaccine here or Booster here

You can now book your Covid-19 booster and your flu shot for the same visit!

You can also book over the phone at 1-833-838-2323


Why should I get the Covid-19 Vaccine or Booster?

Vaccines do more than protect you from COVID-19, they also protect everyone around you. The more people in a community who are immunized against COVID-19, the harder it is for the virus to spread. Vaccines approved in Canada have followed the same extensive testing as every other vaccine, and are proven to be effective in reducing virus transmission and severity of symptoms in people who do get the virus. Due to the steady emergence of new strains of Covid-19, the original 2 doses of the vaccine are no longer adequate to provide protection against the virus. Receiving the boosters will help ensure that you and your community remain safe.

More information:

  • What to expect when you get a COVID vaccine - click here

  • For the latest information on the provincial distribution of COVID-19 vaccine, please check the BC Government's COVID-19 Vaccine Page

  • Read Frequently Asked Questions on the Doctors of BC website.


A message to our patients during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • During the Pandemic we will be providing phone appointments as well as some in-person appointments when necessary

  • Wear a face mask if you have an appointment in our office

  • For your protection, we are avoiding having patients sitting in the reception area. We ask that only patients (and necessary family or friend caregivers) enter the office.


Please note the following:


If you have a cough, fever, sore throat or difficulty breathing

  1. Do not enter the clinic,

  2. Go to: and complete the online questionnaire for further instructions

  3. If you have no internet access, please telephone the office


Please follow the provincial health officer's orders:

  • Maintain a 6-foot (2 metre) physical distance between yourself and others.

  • Cover your mounth when you cough or sneeze (preferably using the inside of your elbow). 

  • Wash your hands before you eat and before you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. 



New clinic protocols:


We are currently available for video or phone visits as well as in-clinic visits.


Please note that we will be seeing the following patients over video or phone visits ONLY as they pose a safety risk or do not require a physical examination

  • Any patients with COVID symptoms or contact with someone with COVID symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, stomach pain, unexplained muscle aches, headaches, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, runny nose/nasal congestion, sinus pain/pressure

  • Any patients needing forms, prescriptions refills, referrals, birth control prescriptions, sick notes, physio/massage therapy requests

  • Any patients wanting to discuss mental health concerns

Please note that if you book an in-clinic visit for any of these reasons, our staff will convert your appointment to over phone or video.


What We Have Done:

  • Complete the COVID-19 screening questionairre within 24-hours prior to every in-office appointment. If you answer "yes" to any of the symptoms or risk factors, please call our office and do not arrive at the clinic until we have determined most appropriate care.

  • We are only allowing a limited number of patients to visit the office depending on the illness or concern. These visits will be spaced appropriately, and there is limited seating in the waiting room.  Appointments will be spaced.

  • We are conducting some visits over the phone

  • The office staff will be screening calls for Covid symptoms and triaging problems easily handled by a phone-appointment

  • The room, any equipment used, and objects touched will be sanitized between patients.

  • The doctors and staff will ensure personal distancing and hygiene guidelines are followed.

  • If suspected of having Covid–19, a referral will be made to the Covid testing site


What we ask of you:

  • As much paperwork as possible is to be sent by fax or e-mail in advance.

  • When given an in-office appointment, please wear a mask, come alone, and call from outside of our doors to be invited directly to a waiting room. A hand sanitizing solution will be offered and a mask will be given if without one.

  • Any history taken will be done from a distance

  • Any private payments should be paid by contactless interact or credit card


With the above changes we can fight the spread of Covid 19 while still treating your health care needs and keeping everyone safe.  Your cooperation and understanding during this difficult time is appreciated.




Counselling supports during COVID-19
  • Free Mental Health Counselling related to Covid-19 is available here.

  • For youth, free counselling is being offered by Foundry. To get connected with a counsellor, check out their website.


COVID-19 Testing & Resources
  • Find updated information on the FNW Division website related to where you can get tested and other resources.


Mental health and self-care resources
  • The Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice has complied a resource list full of online mental health and self-care resources to help you through this challenging time. These resources can be found on the FNW Division website.

COVID-19 - More Information:
  • Click here to read a complete FAQ from the CDC about how to protect yourself and your family, and to learn more about this virus.

While you wait for your COVID-19 Test results:
  • Sign up to receive your COVID-19 test results by text on the BC CDC Website..  If you do not have internet access call the BCCDC Results Line (1-833-707-2792) 

  • While you are self-isolating while awaiting results, please think about your activities and the contacts you had in the two days prior to noticing your symptoms up until the day you started to isolate and share this information with public health.

  • Specifically consider those who would be deemed close contacts. These are generally people who you would have spent greater than 15 minutes with while not distanced (within 2 metres) and while not masked.

  • Self-isolate: Until you have been contacted with results, it is essential that you isolate from others in your household as much as possible.

1971 Lougheed Hwy #3190, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 0K2

Tel: (604) 552-3001

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